




【Exchange Information】訊息交換:


If you require some information, you could say: 欲知某訊息的問法

Could you tell me if the meeting will be held on time?


Could you tell me when the new product will be launched?


Could you please tell me how much this MP4 player costs?


Could you please tell me why this project had been cancelled?


I wonder if you could tell me the procedure of setting this server.


I’d like to know the final price your company will offer.


I’d like some information about your terms and conditions of the contract.


Have we made progress in this discussion?


Have we resolved the problems?


Have we given you what you were looking for?



launch (v):推出市場、開始從事

Airspace Corporation launched today a new class of information security products.


An improved product launch process results in faster time-to-market and time-to-profit.


server (n):伺服器

Cizko may be looking to enter the blade server market this quarter. (Cizko本季可能進入刀鋒伺服器市場。)

terms and conditions (ph.):服務條款與細則

If you are dissatisfied with any Amazing Bandwidth’s terms and conditions, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using Amazing Bandwidth.





When someone give you some information, you could comment or reply: 針對他人所提供的訊息,回答方式如列。

Oh, I see.


Thanks for letting me know.


Thank you very much for your useful information.


Your reply is highly appreciated.



appreciate (v):感激、感謝、賞識、察覺

We appreciate your long-term support.


It will be highly appreciated if this flyer could be circulated as widely as possible.




If someone asks you for information, you could reply: 假如他人詢問資訊,你的回答方式如下。

As far as I know, the board meeting is rescheduled on Wednesday.


Well, I can tell you that our new desktop PC will be put on the market in the 3rd quarter.


I’m afraid I don’t know.= I’ve no idea, I’m afraid.


I don’t have that information available just now, can I call you back later?


I’m not sure. I’ll have to find out. Could I let you know tomorrow?


I’m afraid that I cannot tell you that, it’s confidential.



confidential (a):機密的、獲信任的

We needed to find a confidential shredding company that would offer absolute destruction of all sensitive and confidential information.




If you want to give someone information, you could say: 告知對方訊息的表達方式。

I would like you to know that the last date of promotion was yesterday.


I think you should know that the head of marketing department will join our coming planning session meeting.


Did you know that Commark will end up its dealership in Taiwan?



promotion (n):促銷、推銷

Sales promotion is an initiative undertaken by an organization to promote an increase in sales.


planning session (ph.):行動策劃

Yearly business planning session is sometimes a time-consuming ordeal.


dealership (n):代理權、經銷權

Sterling, Inc. is one of the best auto dealership in Taipei Area.




If someone hasn’t given you enough information, you could say:欲獲取更多訊息的問法。

Could you tell me some more about the decision-making process?


What can we do to help you manage the risks in this project?


I would like some more information about the payment terms.


I’d also like to know your e-mail address and mobile phone number.


When can your institution issue this certificate?


How much will it cost when my purchase is over US$ 1,000?


Why exactly did the World Trade Center collapse?


There is something else I’d like to know.


Can you give me some more details about this shipment?



decision-making (n):決策

The employees have some voice in decision-making.


payment term (ph.):付款條件

Payment terms can include a discount percent for early payment.


certificate (n):證書、執照、憑證

Use this calculator to find out how much interest you can earn on a Certificate of Deposit.


purchase (n, v):購買、獲得

In any transaction, the Sale and Purchase Agreement represents the outcome of key commercial and pricing negotiations.


collapse (v):倒塌、瓦解、崩潰

The collapse of Lehman Brothers sends shock wave around the world.



shipment (n):裝運、裝船

There are only three basic types of shipments: land, air, and sea.(有三種基本的裝運類型:陸路、空運以及海運。)





【Notes 1】



【Notes 2】







  1. what - 會議或交談的主題與重要內容為何?
  2. who - 事件的關鍵決策者或相關人士是誰?
  3. where - 事件發生的地點在哪?
  4. when - 事件發生的時間何時?
  5. why - 找出關鍵決策者的顧慮或事件發生的主要原因。
  6. how - 事件發生過程,或是關鍵人物的決策程序。
  7. while - 永續經營的槪念:思考一個決策或是訊息的執行或告知,將會對公司或顧客起到的作用。
  8. whom - 做這個決策或是訊息告知,將造成公司或顧客的影響為何?





2009年9月24日你出差到德國漢諾威(Hannover)参加Computex,遇到義大利廠商Vespian Computer的採購經理Mr. Lucas Pavaradi,詢問本公司Tiny Notebook的規格與報價,並把此備忘錄寄回台灣,請業務助理Tata Tsai與工程師Willy Tu協助後續事宜。(請自行運用8 Ws。)