



Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year ➩農曆新年

  • Lunar 指的是太陰的意思,像是農曆的英文就是 Lunar Calendar,
  • 正月(農曆一月)的英文就是 Lunar January
  • 今年是狗年,狗年的英文就是 Year of the Dog


Spring festival➩ 春節

 Lunar New Year’s Eve ➩除夕

  • Eve指的是前夕,像是平安夜(聖誕節前夕)英文是Christmas Eve


New Year’s Eve Dinner ➩年夜飯

Family Reunion Dinner ➩團圓宴

Lion dance➩舞獅

Dragon dance ➩舞龍

The monster Nien ➩年獸



  • 而放鞭炮的放,這個動詞英文是Lighting,Light作為動詞指的是點燃、點亮。
  • 放鞭炮 ➩Lighting firecrackers


Firework ➩煙火


Red envelope (Lucky red envelope)/ Red packet (Lucky red packet)➩紅包

Spring couplets/ Red couplets ➩春聯(Couplet指的是對句)

Lucky money➩壓歲錢

Year-end bonus ➩年終獎金


Lantern ➩燈籠

  • 燈會的英文就是Exhibits of lantern ,而元宵節則是叫做The Lantern Festival

New clothes➩新衣

 Staying up➩守歲

Temple ➩寺廟

Return to parents’ home➩回娘家

Worship ancestor ➩祭祖

Ask the gods for a prophecy➩求神問卜

Incense ➩香

Taboo ➩禁忌



Fish ➩魚,代表年年有餘

Orange ➩橘子,代表大吉大利

Leeks ➩韭菜,代表長久、永遠

Turnips ➩白蘿蔔,代表好彩頭

Rice cake/ New year cake ➩年糕,代表年年高升、逐步興旺

Dumplings ➩水餃,代表元寶,累積好運

Eight treasures rice/ Babao rice ➩八寶飯,代表恭喜發財

Spring roll ➩春捲,代表黃金萬兩

Perennial vegetables ➩長年菜,代表長壽

(Sweet) rice ball ➩湯圓,代表團團圓圓

Pineapple ➩鳳梨,代表旺來 



Lucky words ➩吉祥話

Happy Chinese New Years ➩新年快樂

Wish you prosperity and wealth ➩恭喜發財

May wealth come generously to you ➩財源廣進

Great fortune and great favour ➩大吉大利

May your happiness be as broad as the sea ➩喜氣洋洋

New year,new beginning ➩新的一年,新的開始

May you welcome happiness with the spring ➩迎春納福

May all your wishes come true ➩心想事成

May fortune come to your door ➩五福臨門

May there be bounty every year ➩年年有餘

May everything go as you hope ➩萬事如意

May you be blessed with peace and safety in all four seasons ➩四季平安

Everlasting peace year after year ➩歲歲平安




How do you celebrate the Chinese New Year?


I had a family reunion dinner at Lunar New Year’s Eve.


After the reunion dinner,I played Mahjong with relatives.


Besides,I got a lot of red envelopes! My grandmother gave me 10 thousand. OMG!

此外,我還得到了好多紅包!我的外婆給了我一萬塊 我的天哪!

My family and I stayed up all night to welcome the new year.


My New Year’s resolution is to graduate!
